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Want to Disable Bitdefender Antivirus on Google Chrome?


Do you have Bitdefender internet security program and it is interrupting your Google chrome to load the website because it is not safe but important for you? Here, Bitdefender Tech Support is going to discuss that how to disable Bitdefender antivirus on Google Chrome which will bring you out from the trouble:

  1. When you opened any of the websites on the Google Chrome then the traffic light extension will detect the website
  2. If it founds that there is any suspicious activity on the browser then show you a pop-up written that “traffic light blocked this page”.
  3. Now when it displays the pop-up it also shows the ‘I understand the risk, take me there anyway’ link then click on this link and it will definitely disable the website that was blocked
  4. **After this, you can continue your surfing on the website that is not good according to antivirus but most important according to you.
  5. If still, it is not disabled then navigate to the top of browser and tap on traffic light tab and it will display the menu
  6. Now go to the right side of the menu in the Google chrome and click on the Blue power icon so, that it will temporarily disable the tool. Now the security is disabled and you can search for any website you want
  7. Go to the top of the browser window & open the Settings then click on More Option >> then go to More Tools extension
  8. In the end, go to the traffic light link and click on Disable. Now you can easily access any page.

As you see that after these steps, your Bitdefender protection on Google chrome is disabled and you can easily do your work now. If you have any other problem, call our Bitdefender Support Helpline +(61) 283173392.